Push Button 1
Date: Sept. 2018
Size: 42 H 60 W cm
Media: emulsion, acrylic and marker pen on box canvas.
Colours: mainly green with defined sectors in blue, pink, grey and black solid detail. The L-shaped shadow effect was via the black marker pen.
Signed limited edition prints in varying colours (green, purple or yellow): £45
Description: an attempt to produce a detailed, tightly structured grid-like set of patterns as an example or pilot work.
In order to achieve an accurate matrix of squares I used a sheet of wire netting from my allotment. I am always interested in using everyday objects and techniques to create new processes, techniques and materials. This work developed organically and several features in the final work came about by accident. For example the original intention was to paint the wire matrix itself and apply it to the canvas. This clearly would not work as half of the wire matrix is raised. Therefore I decided to use the wire matrix as a template to paint through. This worked well and gave an unexpected bonus with the white “blobs” from the wire itself preventing paint being applied. The effect was one of giving “light” off around each square.
Equally the use of a black L-shape in squares had the unintentional effect of making sections appear 3D, e.g. bottom plus right-side lines produced a “button” or raised effect whereas a left-side and top line produced what appeared to be an indentation. By rotating the picture the two types of 3D effect can be demonstrated.
In conclusion definitely worth building on this prototype with “better” colour, better technique and on a larger scale.
Self assessment score: 7/10 a fascinating result especially with the 3D effect. But a demanding process requiring a lot of concentration. Not sure of the colours particularly the “drab” green. Prints produced in different colours showed the potential of the process and how colour decisions are vital to a good outcome. The aim now is to keep developing with other colours and on a larger scale.
Top tip: unlikely production tools can be key to success. The use of a garden wire roll with squares of the correct size was crucial. Plus it produced an unexpected bonus with the with the flecks of white where the paint did not penetrate the wire.