Matrix 2: purple, lilac, green, yellow

Media: emulsion and acrylic on stretched canvas

Size: H 1 m x W 1.5 m


This work is the second matrix painting using one inch square wire netting as a template through which to paint.

This method provides both control and uniformity whilst allowing a “free” approach to each individual square. This may appear contradictory but shows that you can be both defined and spontaneous at the same time.

This work is on a very large canvas (1 x 1.5 m) compared with Matrix 1. The design and colour combinations were planned in advance on a computer spreadsheet (question: as a result does this still qualify as art?). Also compared with Matrix 1 a slanting effect was used to add “interest”.

The picture appears as if it is two works in one based on the slight change of colour on the left-hand side, a decision made as the work progressed.

Self satisfaction score: 5/10. the overall pattern lacks a certain conformity and the colour choice is too weak and lacks impact. The impression of there being two separate pictures within a work probably detracts rather than enhances. The large scale also imposes physical challenges in execution. However in the right setting it might make a  striking piece of wall art.